MR Hardware: Improving Homogeneity
How is magnetic field mapping performed?
After the magnet has been placed in its bay (and if superconducting, ramped to full field), an initial plot of its internal magnetic field is generated. This is done by by inserting a directional magnetometer (also called a gaussmeter or teslameter) into the scanner bore as shown in the photos below. A magnetometer measures the resonance frequency of a known small sample of water contained within the probe tip thus allowing the magnetic field at each point in space to be accurately determined. A special positioning apparatus ("jig") allows precise placement of the probe at various locations and angles within the gantry, and a magnetic field map of 300+ points is generated.
Bactual = Bideal + {3 linear harmonics} + {5 second order harmonics} + {7 third order} + • • •

Printout of calculated harmonics
A special computer program calculates the spherical harmonic components after input of the field map raw data. This software then directs the service engineer how to reduce the inhomogeneities through a process called shimming.
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Keller P. Technologies for precision field mapping (pdf). MetroLab Instruments (, Geneva, 2006.
Wendt M. Second order shimming of high field magnets (pdf). Siemens Medical Systems. A sales brochure but contains good information on active shims and spherical harmonics.
Keller P. Technologies for precision field mapping (pdf). MetroLab Instruments (, Geneva, 2006.
Wendt M. Second order shimming of high field magnets (pdf). Siemens Medical Systems. A sales brochure but contains good information on active shims and spherical harmonics.
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